Roadless Tracks

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    Last week I was in York training some Environment Agency chaps how to use a new machine, so whilst I was there I decided to visit the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington. Besides all the usual aeroplane-related things there was a very good display celebrating the achievements of Barnes Wallis and Neville Shute, and in the middle of the display was a video running showing various inventions for the beach landings on D-Day. Apart from the Giant Panjandrum there was a piece about the one-man stretcher which used the short Roadless tracks that we have seen on wheelbarrows.

    You can see the video on YouTube by searching “British Secret Wartime Follies”- I tried to put a link on but it wouldn’t work, so you’ll have to do it the long way round (sorry).

    Also in a different display there was a mobile searchlight which also used these tracks, but whoever had restored it had not realised that it should have had tracks and just left it with the wheels. Have a glance at the photo’s.


    A searchlight with tracks is shown in the first picture on this page


    Advert for the roadless tracks from The Fruit Grower magazine Oct 4th 1934.


    I’m guessing that the John Allen tracks pre-dated the searchlight installation, although it’s possible that they could have been made at roughly the same time. The searchlight ones are slightly different, though, in that they have a third wheel in the middle of the outer two. It is this sort that was used on the one-man stretcher in the video. They seemed to work well, too!

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