Howard Yoeman/Villiers Mark 40

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    Hello everyone. I just joined the other week looking for encouragement with a Howard Yeoman I acquired from a couple of friends. One is now in his 80s and the other in emigrating to the IOM.
    It had stood outside for about 10 Years. Previously it belonged to someone who gave it to my 82 year old mate. Apparently he’d gone to some trouble acquiring it “travelling all over the country” to look at them before getting this one. He then “rebuilt the engine and gearbox but never used it much”.
    Anyway the IOM guy and another friend had fiddled with it but never got it going properly and it had stood outside a long long time.

    Pic 1 – As Found

    I do have the rotovator box but it was detached and I half killed myself getting it from one allotment plot to another 50 yards away, so I wasn’t about to move that home which is 1/2 a mile further. So I rolled the tractor unit back home to see if there was any life in it.


    First I got the air filter apart and cleaned the water/oil out of it, I’d checked the engine wasn’t seized before I rolled it home. There was fuel in there, and so I thought I’d turn it over with the starting rope to see if anything miraculously happened. Nothing. Checked the plug and it was bone dry. Checked for a spark while the plug was out. Nothing.

    No fuel no spark so it wasn’t going to be a 5 minute fix. I thought I’d start with fuel system as it had clearly been rained on and might have had some water in. somewhere. Very rusty looking water and fuel came slooowly dribbling out of the fuel pipe when I disconnected it from the carb.

    Off came the air filter and carb.

    Pic 1 – Carb

    It is a “pilot jet type” Villiers carbuettor according to the Villiers Mark 40 engine operating instructions and parts list I have.

    Inside was not a pretty sight


    Hopefully that will clean up OK.
    When checking magneto for cause of no spark make sure the points are good and clean.


    I’ve just going through the job of cleaning up a Yeoman, they seem to be prone to people filling the fuel system with water and ending up with heavy corrosion in the carb and tank. After a bit of hard work it all cleaned up and then after a few non printable words and a bit of huffing and puffing it started and ran. Best of luck with the rebuild, I might ask you for a favor of a few measurements as I see you have the reverse interlock on your machine, I’m thinking of making up the linkage to finish of my rebuild.

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