December issue of The Cultivator

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  • #38344

    Just received mine. When you receive yours you should have a renewal form printed on reverse of the address with a note saying so on the front.
    If you have already received your 2022 membership/insurance card you should have a message to say you do not need to renew.
    See the membership update page for more information about renewals.


    Another great effort from all involved.
    Renewed my membership before it came , and have recieved card back…. a HUGE thanks Charlie.



    I’m sure Will Haggle will be pleased that you enjoyed the read, Andy, and thanks for your comments.

    Please keep the articles coming as it is only as good as the content that you members send in; without you we wouldn’t have a club magazine.

    Merry Christmas to Everyone!


    I’m just renewing, thanks to Charlie’s timely reminder! Another reminder, don’t be heading to Malvern at the end of February expecting to visit the Tractor World Show, it’s on 21st & 22nd of May and it should be warmer!


    my copy arrived by snail mail today, excellent reading, renewed membership online


    very interesting article about E10, I’ve a couple of single cylinder petrol engines, one driving a compressor and one a generator, until rercently they have both started first or second pull and then ran without problems. The last couple of times I’ve gone to start them, they only started after a struggle and then ran roughly. I’ll be honest I can’t remember what petrol I used but after reading the article I’m wondering if it was E10?


    I’m at long last using a fuel addative (the Briggs and Stratton one) , early days yet , as my fuel is seldom kept that long , but starting and running issues are non existant…….. expensive , but it seems so far like money well spent.



    The 2-stroke ready-mix fuel that Stihl sell also has a preservative in and I’ve found that it keeps for well over two years. If you have a 2-stroke that will run on 50:1 mix I would thoroughly recommend it and have been running a chainsaw and brushcutter on it for some time.

    As an experiment I will try the Stihl 2-stroke oil in a gallon of E10 fuel to see if there is any difference. Lots of dead branches and a few whole trees to cut down in the next few days so I should know if the fuel mix is up to the job.

    Watch this space!


    Please note: There was an error in an Advert in issue 138 of The Cultivator. Mr. Short’s Advert should read….
    Four Oaks Orchard Sprayer 1935
    Ransomes lawn Edger
    Simplex Chaff Cutter
    E & H Roberts Horse Hoe 1837 to 1927
    8 Mexican hat cast iron pig troughs
    Mr. Short, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, Tel **** ***361
    Grovelling Apology

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